Rapid note-taking with Gen.AI

JotBox is an experiment to augment quick, everyday note jotting with powerful search, visualisation and AI chat built-in so you can 'talk' to your notes. Using the latest embeddings and chat models from OpenAI and a vector store database, your notes form a context to the chat session allowing you to find and extrapolate from your notes.

JotBox brings innovative Generative AI features to simple note taking to boost productivity and build your 'second brain' with zero effort.

State of the art features:

  • Markdown capable notes
  • Embedded GPT allowing interactive Q & A using your notes as source material.
  • Semantic graphing showing a network of connected and grouped notes.
  • 3D visualisation to see whole related topics.
  • No manual tagging, filing or categorisation required!

JotBox is currently free (whilst usage is low) and accessible from the web. Depending on how well this experiment goes, this might change with mobile apps and some monetization being necessary to cover costs. There will soon be the option to download all of your notes so you can move to another notes system if desired.

We don't store any personal details and instead rely on a Google login, we do however store the encrypted note text in the database along with the AI embeddings which are floating point vectors.

Click the Google sign-in button above to get started.

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JotBox is experimental - help us shape it on https://t.me/jotbox